Feature Enrichment per RL-Region (feat_enrich_rlregions) and per Sample (feat_enrich_samples).

feat_enrich_samples(quiet = FALSE)

feat_enrich_rlregions(quiet = FALSE)



If TRUE, messages are suppressed. Default: FALSE.


A tbl object. See details.



For every R-loop-mapping sample in RLBase (feat_enrich_samples) or for each of the three RL-Regions databases (feat_enrich_rlregions), peaks were calculated and then tested via RLSeq::featureEnrich() to determine enrichment within all available genomic features.

The processing steps are described in the RLBase-data README.md.


Example data:


Column description:

  • db - the database from which annotations were derived. See annotations.

  • type - the type from which annotations were derived. See annotations.

  • num_tested_peaks: The number of peak ranges tested for enrichment.

  • num_total_peaks: The total number of peaks in the sample.

  • num_tested_anno_ranges: The number of annotation ranges which the peaks were tested against.

  • num_total_anno_ranges: The total number of ranges in the annotation.

  • avg_reldist_rl: The mean relative distances between peaks and annotation ranges as described here.

  • avg_reldist_shuf: Same as avg_reldist_rl except with peaks shuffled randomly to provide a negative control.

  • pval_reldist: The ks.test p value from comparing the distribution of the peak and shuffle relative distances as described here.

  • stat_fisher_rl: The the odds ratio from the fisher's exact test as described here.

  • stat_fisher_shuf: Same as above, but with the shuffled peaks to provide a negative control.

  • pval_fisher_rl: The p value from Fisher's exact test as described here.

  • pval_fisher_shuf: Same as above, but with the shuffled peaks to provide a negative control.

  • experiment (only feat_enrich_samples()): The R-loop mapping sample for which the calculation was performed. See rlbase_samples.

  • opt (only feat_enrich_rlregions()): The type of RL-Region (see rlregions) which was tested.


fes <- feat_enrich_samples()

fes <- feat_enrich_rlregions()