Plots the average standardized signal from noiseAnalyze alongside the samples in RLBase. For this plot, lower average signal indicates better signal to noise ratio. Note: This plot may be misleading if you supplied custom windows when running noiseAnalyze.

noiseComparisonPlot(object, mode = "auto", simple = TRUE, returnData = FALSE)



An RLRanges object with noiseAnalyze already run.


A character containing the R-loop data mode to compare against. See details for more information.


A logical which specifies whether the plot should only show samples where the prediction and label are the same. Default: TRUE.


If TRUE, plot data is returned instead of plotting. Default: FALSE


A ggplot2::ggplot object or a tbl if returnData is TRUE.



The mode parameter specifies the R-loop modality to compare the user-supplied sample against in the plot. The default, "auto" specifies that the mode from the supplied RLRanges object will be used. Only one mode can be specified. For a list of applicable modes, see auxdata$available_modes.


The plot is a violin / jitter plot showing the distribution of average values from the noiseAnalyze output across RLBase samples of the selected mode. The user-supplied sample is annotated on the plot.


rlr <- readRDS(system.file("extdata", "rlrsmall.rds", package = "RLSeq"))

# Plot RL-Region overlap
#> see ?RLHub and browseVignettes('RLHub') for documentation
#> loading from cache
#> Warning: Removed 2 rows containing non-finite values (stat_boxplot).
#> Warning: Removed 2 rows containing missing values (geom_point).
#> Warning: Removed 2 rows containing missing values (geom_point).

# Return data only
noiseComparisonPlot(rlr, returnData = TRUE)
#> see ?RLHub and browseVignettes('RLHub') for documentation
#> loading from cache
#> # A tibble: 13 × 5
#>    sample         noise_index label prediction group        
#>    <chr>                <dbl> <chr> <chr>      <chr>        
#>  1 SRX1029475         0.0151  POS   POS        RDIP         
#>  2 SRX1029476         0.299   NEG   NEG        RDIP         
#>  3 SRX1029477         0.00545 POS   POS        RDIP         
#>  4 SRX1029478         0.149   NEG   NEG        RDIP         
#>  5 SRX4732954         0.0139  POS   NEG        RDIP         
#>  6 SRX4732955         0.0140  POS   NEG        RDIP         
#>  7 SRX4732956         0.0177  POS   NEG        RDIP         
#>  8 SRX4732957         0.0177  POS   NEG        RDIP         
#>  9 SRX3892923         0.00506 NEG   POS        RDIP         
#> 10 SRX6779957         0.00356 NEG   NEG        RDIP         
#> 11 SRX6779959         0.00515 NEG   NEG        RDIP         
#> 12 SRX7671349       NaN       NEG   NEG        RDIP         
#> 13 RDIP-Seq +RNH1   NaN       NEG   NEG        User-supplied